Rules of Ultimate

5. Teams

  1. 5.1. Each team will put a maximum of seven (7) players and a minimum of five (5) players on the field during each point.
    Annotation: Mixed games

    In Mixed games, where men and women play on the same team, both teams should have the same gender ratio as each other on the field for each point. Events should use one of the options in the WFDF Rules of Ultimate Appendix to determine the gender ratio for each point.

    Steinar's comment (unofficial!): Gender designations

    Gender is a very sensitive and complicated topic. Generally in the ultimate community, one no longer requires players to identify as male or female to play ultimate. Instead, the terms “male-matching player” (MMP) or “female-matching player” (FMP) are used, which allows e.g. non-binary players to say “physiologically, it is most fair that I match up with males when playing” instead of having to declare an untrue gender identity.

    See also the WFDF Transgender Policy, WFDF Policy on Non-Discrimination and WFDF Safe Sport Policy.

    Steinar's comment (unofficial!): ABBA system

    In mixed games, the ABBA system (“WFDF Mixed Rule A”, from the appendix) is now nearly ubiquitous; start with some ratio (A), then play two points of the opposite ratio (BB), two points of the original ratio (AA), and so on. Usually, the dominant gender on the field also now pulls (“WFDF pull rule”).

    Some tournaments may play “loose mixed”, where the ratio need not be 4–3, but could be e.g. at least 2 of each gender with the ABBA pattern only determining the pulling gender. There will be local variations here.

  2. 5.2. Each team must designate a captain and a spirit captain to represent the team.
    Annotation: Role of captain and spirit captain

    The team captain is a team member, who is eligible to participate in the game, and has been designated to represent the team in decision-making on behalf of the team before, during, and after a game.

    The spirit captain is a team member, who is eligible to participate in the game, and has been designated to address, discuss, and resolve spirit issues at any point throughout the competition with opponents, teammates, coaches, and game or event officials.

  3. 5.3. A team may make unlimited substitutions after a goal is scored and before their team signals readiness for the pull.